Supporting students to study engineering
THE Connolly Foundation is supporting the Smallpiece Trust, an educational charity that inspires young people to pursue careers in science and engineering.
The Foundation is helping to fund Arkwright Engineering Scholarships which enable students to study and to become qualified in this field.
One such student is Etornam Dzudzor, a 17-year-old from Dunstable who attends Luton Sixth Form College and says the bursary helps scholars in their education and engineering related endeavours.
Etornam said: ‘This scholarship means a lot to me as I have many opportunities available to further my interest in engineering. I was also very interested in the mentoring as I enjoy chatting with someone who “knows their stuff” so to speak, as well as the insight they can give. It also means I could purchase things to help me with learning and my own engineering interest, such as 3D modelling courses or advanced programming for example.”
The scholarship enables students to visit Universities or engineering based institutions and companies to further develop their understanding and interests and potentially future careers. Some scholars are also given expert mentors.
Caption – David Oldham of the Connolly foundation (left) presents Etornam with his scholarship certificate.